Monday 6 October 2014

The virtual tour

In early September 2014, the Shire of Manjimup hosted its first Regional State Cabinet meeting.  There were limited opportunities for representatives from the Shire of Manjimup, and the community, to meet the Premier and 15 Cabinet Ministers during their brief visit.  When I was allocated a small window of time to present to them all at the commencement of the cabinet meeting, I knew I had to make the most of it.  This kind of opportunity doesn't knock every day; never before, in fact, and highly unlikely to come around again in the foreseeable future. 

The majority of the Ministers spent all of about 24 hours in Manjimup, which doesn't even come close to the attention that the Southern Forests region warrants.  I needed to show them that Manjimup is more, which realistically, would have required a few days, and a tour of Manjimup, Northcliffe, Pemberton and Walpole.  I wanted to list off all of the opportunities, help them understand the issues we face as a Shire and demonstrate what it is like to live in a rural community.  This is when the idea of a 'virtual tour' struck me.  

During my presentation I displayed a rotation of almost 100 photographs, taking the Premier and Cabinet around the Shire of Manjimup on a journey of discovery from the comfort of their seats in the Shire of Manjimup Council Chamber.  They got to see the opportunities that exist in our region - the hidden gems - while they heard, and took on board, a broad and detailed account of the region.  

And so, the Hidden Gems of the Southern Forests blog was born; why not share the hidden gems (and some not so hidden), with everyone.  

Pictured: Shire President Wade DeCampo with Premier Colin Barnett, and nine of the visiting Ministers.

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